How to Compose a Good and Unique Thread Title? (or "Why my thread was deleted and I was suspended"?)

For the benefits of all EssayForum members and visitors we ask you to take your time to create good and relevant subjects of your threads. Thread titles are one of the most important elements of quality forum discussions.

A meaningful thread title should be detailed, unique, and fully reflect the content of the message. It should not contain unnecessary and general words, special characters, or fluff. A good title should be straightforward and to the point; the reader should be able to determine what exactly the discussion is about by reading a topic subject only. A good title SHOULD NOT BE TOO GENERAL!

Below are some real-life examples of good and bad subjects:

"My struggle with my parents on a summer camp" - UC Prompt HELP! UC Prompt #1
Question about the maximum word limit of a personal statement (education studies) MIT Personal Statement
How to write an argumentative essay about teen pregnancy? Essay help
Formal ways of delivering a recognition speech Speech question
The best way of citing online sources in a research paper about human trafficking Citation help
Essay about the influence of TV shows on human intelligence - feedback PLEASE REVISE MY ESSAY!!

Thank you for reading and cooperating with the rules!

Threads having incorrect topic titles may be removed without notice and offending members may be suspended!
